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Showing posts from May, 2016

Aiden's Birth Story

I haven't told a lot of people Aiden's whole birth story, because his birth was a really difficult experience for me in a number of ways. One thing to know about me; sometimes I use humor to cope with the hard stuff; and having my baby boy was no exception. In telling his story, I've used self-depricating humor often in person and attempted to laugh it off; but I would actually just prefer to tell it how it is.  Aiden's birth did not go according to plan- and another thing to know about me is that I absolutely am a planner. Eric perhaps more so than me... but I feel safer having a plan! I read probably 100 books about childbirth, pregnancy, and the first 6 months of a baby's life while I was pregnant. No exaggeration. I couldn't get my hands on enough knowledge about everything I was going through, and would go through. I honestly tried to do the best I could to choose the best for my health, and my baby's health. Eric and I took classes, sought opinions,...