Sloane Day 5. Coming from Tiff: We apologize for taking our time with updates. Now that things are settling a bit at home and in the hospital with Sloane, hopefully we will find a somewhat normal routine. I got released last night from the maternal fetal wing of the hospital. One thing we are noticing and really liking about Colorado Children’s hospital is that everyone seems to be extremely loving and accommodating, and we were able to really move at our own pace for my discharge. We really appreciate this as everything has been such a whirlwind for us. It’s still mind blowing that it’s been less than two weeks since we learned that we would need to even be working with Children’s at all. Last night was very odd. I feel like it goes against everything in nature to have a baby, and then leave your baby in the NICU to go home. We both were glad to be back in our own bed but it also was really disconcerting. They did do a room change for Sloane after I got discharged, and now ...
Life in the Eric and Tiffany Ball house. Most likely from Tiffany's perspective. A little bit of horticulture, a lot of Aiden, a little Binx, and probably a decent amount of time between posts.